Tabex (Cytisine) references


Tabex (Cytisine) references


  1. ANGELOVA, O. Studies of the acute toxicity of Tabex. Scientific documentation of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, Sofia (in Bulgarian).
  2. ANGELOVA, O. Some blood enzyme indices in experimental animals treated chronically with cytisine (Tabex). Scientific documentation of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Sofia (in Bulgarian).
  3. BENDORF, S. Tabex as a drug against smoking. First communication about a double-blind experiment. Outpatient Ward at the Medical Clinic of the Academy in Magdeburg (in Russian).
  4. VLAEV, S. Possibilities and borders of application of Tabex to depressive patients. Scientific works of the Institute of Neurology Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, Medical Academy, Sofia (in Bulgarian).
  5. DALEVA, L., J. SHEITANOVA Pharmacological study of some cytisine derivatives. Scientific work of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research Institute, vol. IV, 1963, Sofia (in Bulgarian).
  6. ZARKOVA, S., O. ANGELOVA Subchronic and chronic toxicity of the drug Tabex (cytisine). Scientific documentation of the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Sofia (in Bulgarian).
  7. PAUN, D., J. FRANZE Registration and consultation of smokers with chronic bronchitis at the consultation – Berlin. After the Documentation of the consultation for smokers in the outpatient ward of the Hospital Friedrichsheim in Berlin.
  8. PAUN, D. Influence of the blood pressure and blood sugar on the need for nicotine. After the Documentation of the consultation for smokers in the outpatient ward of the Hospital Friedrichsheim in Berlin.
  9. PETKOV, V. Contemprorary Phytotherapy, Medicina and Fiskultura, Sofia, 1982, 257 (in Bulgarian).
  10. STOYANOV, S., M. YANACHKOVA On the therapeutic effectiveness and tolerance of Tabex. Savremenna Medicina, 6, 1972 (in Bulgarian).
  11. BARLOW, R.B., L.J. McLEOD Some studies of cytisine and its methylated derivatives. Br. J. Pharmac. (1969), 35, 163-174.
  12. PAUN, D., J. FRANZE Raucherentwohnung mit cytisinhaltigen “Tabex”-Tabletten. Sonderduck aus das deutsche Gesundheitwesen, Heft 17, 1968.
  13. PAUN, D. Tabakschaden bei Frauen und Muttern und seine Verhutung. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Hygiene und ihre Grenzgebiete, Heft 4, 1970.
  14. SCHMIDT, F. Medicamentose Unterstutzung der Raucherentwohung. Munch. med. Wschr., 11, 116, 1974.
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